Emorroidi dolore Hemorrhoids

In Italy, statistics show that 3,7 million people suffer from hemorrhoids. Here’s how to effectively treat them through a proper diet and specific natural remedies. Hemorrhoids are a very common problem, yet one that is often shrouded in embarrassment. However, natural therapies can provide valid help. But first, let’s understand what they are. The anatomy of the anal area consists of cushions that contribute to the closure of the sphincter. Within these cushions are venous plexuses that, if weakened, can lead to hemorrhoidal disease. Therefore, the hemorrhoids that trouble us are a dilation of the submucosal veins, accompanied by inflammation of the surrounding connective tissue.

Symptoms of Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoid symptoms can vary in intensity. They are generally divided into two main categories: external hemorrhoids and internal hemorrhoids.
External hemorrhoids develop outside the rectal canal and are easy to identify as they appear as a lump protruding from the anus. They can cause a feeling of heaviness, swelling, a prickling sensation, itching, and may make normal activities like sitting, walking, or lying down difficult, depending on the severity of the hemorrhoid.
Internal hemorrhoids, on the other hand, are located within the rectal canal, with the most common symptom being bleeding. This can be noticed by the presence of bright red blood in the stool or traces of blood on toilet paper or the toilet bowl, along with anal itching, a feeling of a foreign body in the anus, and pain. Bleeding is a symptom that requires careful monitoring, as it can lead to anemia.

Causes of Hemorrhoids

emorroidi-interni - hemorrhoidsThe causes of hemorrhoids can be numerous. Firstly, a hereditary component may be present. It’s important to remember that the veins of the hemorrhoidal plexus lack containment valves. Therefore, when there is increased pressure in the abdomen, it is transmitted to the hemorrhoids, causing them to swell. Defecation, a cough, a sneeze, physical strain, and even pregnancy can have this effect.
Additionally, if the liver is burdened, it discharges congestion onto the portal vein, which increases blood flow to the hemorrhoids. An imbalanced diet rich in refined foods and low in fiber can lead to constipation. Hemorrhoids may also manifest more easily during pregnancy or worsen in women with greater capillary fragility. A sedentary lifestyle and lack of physical activity contribute as well.

Diet Recommendations

To prevent the inflammation of hemorrhoids, the diet should be rich in fiber. Fiber attracts water into the intestinal lumen, making the stool softer. This reduces the effort required for bowel movements. It is crucial to avoid:

  • Sugar
  • Refined flours (whole grain options are more tolerable, but should be reintroduced only after hemorrhoids have resolved)
  • Dairy products

Additionally, spicy foods, processed meats, and alcohol should be avoided. It is important to drink plenty of water – at least 2 liters a day – to aid intestinal transit and improve detoxification. Adding seasonal bitter vegetables like radicchio, dandelion, and artichoke can also support liver function.

Natural Remedies for Hemorrhoids

Natural treatment for hemorrhoids includes two main aspects: plants rich in flavonoids that can strengthen and make the vessel walls more elastic, and liver detoxification.

Plants Rich in Flavonoids

Peony (Paeonia officinalis)

This plant has spasmolytic properties, so it can calm pain, and thanks to its tannins, it has astringent effects on the venous plexus.

Horse Chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum)

This is one of the plants primarily used in these situations. It contains escin and coumarins, which can reduce inflammation, swelling, and capillary permeability.

Butcher’s Broom (Ruscus aculeatus)

This plant is appreciated by doctors for its venotonic, anti-inflammatory, and astringent properties. It can quickly resolve a hemorrhoidal crisis.

Witch Hazel (Hamamelis virginiana)

The leaves and twigs of this plant are used to prepare a useful remedy for hemorrhoids, as the phytocomplex contains flavonoids and tannins.

Cleansing the Liver 

It is also important, when treating hemorrhoids, to do a good liver cleansing. To achieve this, we can use plants with cholagogue (facilitates the expulsion of bile from the gallbladder) and choleretic (increases bile production) properties, such as Dandelion or Artichoke. There are also plants that protect the liver cells and make them more active in detoxification, like Milk Thistle.Never underestimate the hemorrhoidal disorder.
Even Napoleon was forced to withdraw from the Battle of Waterloo due to an acute attack of hemorrhoids! When it comes to hemorrhoids, hygiene is also very important. The use of soap is not recommended as it irritates the area. It’s better to use non-foaming detergents like milks or cleansing oils. Additionally, it’s best to avoid wipes that contain alcohol or fragrances.

Note: for a correct diagnosis, it is always advisable to consult a doctor. In more severe cases, surgery may be necessary, although recent studies show that it is not a definitive solution if not accompanied by dietary and lifestyle changes as outlined in this article.

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